Wednesday 21 February 2007

Our boys coming home

BBC News reports that finally our troops will be coming home soon from Iraq now that the Iraqis are taking the the lead in frontline security in Basra. All is "completed" and "successful"., Tony Blair is quoted saying!

My feelings on the whole Iraq business are very mixed because I didn't like the fact that we had troops over there in the first place and then yesterday I happened to be going past the church (by pure chance), when the 100th British soldier was having his service of rememberence before being laid to rest. I don't talk openly to my American friends for fear that my feelings would be in conflict with theirs and I so not want to offend? I don't know how differently we all feel and how strongly anyone feels? It's a hard call.....But the truth is I've hated this whole affair. The 45 minute rule business led to the suicide of a man who was never able to explain himself but who was made to look guilty by our government.......In fact I don't like our government but haven't liked ANY government yet!!!! The thought of the tories with their namby pamby rules getting in makes me fill with dread because as much as they are critical they would be just as bad.

So our troops will be home soon?

What about those innocents who are dying every day? Yesterday it was over 20, the day before 60 people total thousands but still not as many as Saddam had killed (Maybe?)

We still have troops in Afganistan and there is no word on when they are coming home......I'd like to hear that?

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