An article on yahoo this morning (for full details check out);_ylt=AhuPHKXmeQZ3VKubR9sYKJLMWM0F
states that babies are capable of forming memories........unfortunately, they forget them.
It's all to do with something called ' infant amnesia' or in laymens terms the puzzling inability of people to remember events early in life. Yes that is what the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science do for those who thought of joining. Patricia J. Bauer of Duke University quotes "The reason why babies do not remember is because their rates of forgetting are faster than that of adults
Alledgedly, from the age of 6 months to 2 years,a baby's memory increases from 24 hours to a year.
The tests they base this on are to do with a cup and a block and observing the chidren to see if they will remember which one had a block put in it. though. Supposedly scientific but you can make reults like that read what you want them to read.

Tracy DeBoer of the University of California, Davis, said babies born to diabetic mothers are at increased risk of memory loss. Such children may have shortages of oxygen and iron before birth and that can cause impaired memory when they are growing.
That impairment did not occur in cases where the mothers' diabetes was controlled during pregnancy, she added.
Tracy DeBoer of the University of California, Davis, said babies born to diabetic mothers are at increased risk of memory loss. Such children may have shortages of oxygen and iron before birth and that can cause impaired memory when they are growing.
That impairment did not occur in cases where the mothers' diabetes was controlled during pregnancy, she added.
Go and read the whole artifle it's very inyeresting
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