A) The speed my first ever car would travel in approximately 3o minutes? (Not 10 seconds like most modern cars!).....
....Ah and there is my first car.

C) The odds you could get on Helen Mirren walking away with the OSCAR for best actress for playing Queen Elizabeth II ...........
No, that is Helen Mirren playing Betty I, I said Queen Elizabeth II!
....That's better.
The answer is A............No, it is actually A and C to be honest with you but A is only correct if you are going downhill. Yes one bookmaker is giving the staggering odds of 1-66 whereas others are being more cautious with 1-14. Dame Judy Dench has decided not to even turn up to this year's event and instead is staying at home while recovering from a knee op. Don't blame her to be honest. I feel rather sorry for Kate Winslet though, if only it was any other year then maybe she may have been more lucky? maybe there should be a catagory in the oscars for those who have multiple nominations and never seem to be the cats that get the cream? Penelope Cruz and Meryl Streep are also in the same catagory but lets be fair, Meryl has lots of awards, as does Judy and Penelope is a stunning woman and can afford to wait a while longer for an oscar and personally I don't like her as an actress anyway. There are better acresses in the supporting role for instance Jennifer Hudson who I've liked since American Idol days (Does it show I'm a big Idol fan?)

The answer is A............No, it is actually A and C to be honest with you but A is only correct if you are going downhill. Yes one bookmaker is giving the staggering odds of 1-66 whereas others are being more cautious with 1-14. Dame Judy Dench has decided not to even turn up to this year's event and instead is staying at home while recovering from a knee op. Don't blame her to be honest. I feel rather sorry for Kate Winslet though, if only it was any other year then maybe she may have been more lucky? maybe there should be a catagory in the oscars for those who have multiple nominations and never seem to be the cats that get the cream? Penelope Cruz and Meryl Streep are also in the same catagory but lets be fair, Meryl has lots of awards, as does Judy and Penelope is a stunning woman and can afford to wait a while longer for an oscar and personally I don't like her as an actress anyway. There are better acresses in the supporting role for instance Jennifer Hudson who I've liked since American Idol days (Does it show I'm a big Idol fan?)
I am not going to be blogging with the results as the come up as I really cannot be bothered to stay up till the early hours, but if the bothersome mouse makes an appearance in my house then I may be up and about. We shall see.
Good luck to KATE and JENNIFER.
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