Patricia Tabram, a retired chef aged 66, had admitted possessing cannabis with intent to supply and had said that she had brought the cannabis in bulk for herself and for four friends. They all take the drug to relieve medical problems and Mrs Tabram had added the cannabis to her home-made biscuits, casseroles and soups and distributed these to her friends in need. The Judge today sentenced her to six months, suspended for two years because he did not want to make her into a Martyr by sending her to prison. Soup-er Gran is now saying she is going to stand against Mr Hain in his Neath constituency for the 'Legalise Cannabis Alliance'
She's quoted as saying; "There are quite a lot of candidates standing for the Alliance in Wales because the Welsh seem to know more of the facts and the history of cannabis. If I'm voted for, I'm going to promise people in this country I will fight for the rights of every man and woman to receive safe medication. It's going to be a hell of a long journey and I'll probably be dead before we win the argument."
Granny cannabis-role has also written a book called 'Grandma Eats Cannabis' and is hoping to have it published and I PROMISE no more puns on the drug theme.
Mrs Tabram was introduced to a spliff in February 2004 and has found cannabis very helpful for her own needs. She has depression after finding her son dead back in the 70s and has neck and back pain from a car crash. I'm with her on this but there is a law in this country and the judge had to abide with it. This particular case has been rolling on for over two years or at least that's what it looks like from my reasearch. Mrs Tabram has had lots of press coverage but not much national exposure. Today she has certainly done that.
I was told by an um-named Doctor that my own pain needs are similar in some ways to MS patients and he then went on to say that he knows some patients who use cannabis to relieve their pain. He went on to say that if I could by chance ever get hold of some of this medically dubious drug, it may help me?
A friend has offered to make me hash biscuits. I've said no up until now however I would dearly love to get off those horrible drugs but not to become dependent on another one.
Well done Granny Pat.
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